-What is my character?


I would describe myself as a quiet and observing person. I am normally someone who watches from the sideline. I like to read and write poems, my favorite genre is fantasy because I like things that doesn't really exist, it makes me think about all those mythical creatures and "if" they existed! 


-What are my properties and talents?


I am a thoughtful person, I Always try to make others happy. I am a honest person, I speak about what's on my mind. I am very patient, I can wait a long time if it's worth the result. A talent of mine is reading, I can read very fast and I'm thankful for that ability!


-What are my interests?


I am interested in photography, it amazes me every time I see a beautiful picture. I also like music, it makes me happy. Sometimes music can expres me better than I could do myself by using words. An example is the piano piece: "Yiruma- River flows in you", even when there isn't any singing in this song, you can still feel the emotion only by using a instrument.


-What am I good at?


I am good at bowling, I bowl for 5 years now. I also like to cook and I am pretty good at it. 


-What am I less good at?


Sometimes I'm not the best at explaining myself, like I know what I want to say but I don't know how to say it. I distant myself a lot to collect myself or work on my own so I don't rely on others.


-What skills do I own? 


I am flexible to work with. I can plan things really well, I like to be organised so I can work better. 


-What skills do I want to improve the coming years?


I would like to improve my self confidence, I sometimes have trouble speaking in public but I know that it will work out fine if I practice it enough.


-What are my points of improvement?


public speaking is my main point of improvement, if i can concure that skill, life would be a lot easier! I also need to improve my communication skills.


-What is my goal in a couple of years?


I see myself over a few years on the airport of Schiphol! I first want to pass my exams and they go to the next school and pass my exams there. I am going to a school to become a stewardess, it's a dream of mine. I would like to live in Amsterdam too.


-What job do I want to do?


As I said above, I would like to become a stewardess. I love to meet people from different countries to learn about their culture and their way of living. I like to learn new languages and that's also a challenge i like to face!